Join a Council

As a UT Martin alumnus, parent, or supporter, your continued engagement and involvement is critical to our success. Your personal commitment of time, talent and treasure will ensure our future growth and success.

If interested in joining a council, please email

Find a Council

The UTM Alumni Council promotes philanthropic giving in support of the UTM Strategic Plan and engages alumni, donors and friends to assist the university in accomplishing its ambitions but achievable strategic undertaking for UTM to “Soar.”

View 2023-2024 Alumni Council Officers and Members

The primary purpose of the Black Alumni Council is to:

  • Engage alumni from the UT Martin campus in lifelong relationships with each other, current students, faculty, trustees, and administrators
  • Provide valuable programming and services to enhance mentorships
  • Serve as the medium of communications between the University and the alumni collectively
  • Promote Black alumni participation and the University’s constituencies
  • Play an active role in the fundraising activities for the Black Alumni Scholarship Fund.

View 2022-23 Black Alumni Council Officers and Members

The mission of the UT Martin Chancellor’s Roundtable is to:

  • Advance the university’s well-being through aggressive private support programs.
  • Develop and assist the strong volunteer network.
  • Establish sound development policies and procedures.
  • Open doors with key individuals, corporations, and foundations.
  • Ensure effective prospect identification, cultivation, and solicitation.

View 2024–2025 Chancellor’s Roundtable Cabinet Members

The UT Martin Parent Advisory Council is comprised of undergraduate students’ parents who are committed to investing in UTM and its future. Support from parents is invaluable to the success of our students, both in and out of the classroom.

Learn more about the Parent Advisory Council

UT Advocacy is the official grassroots network of the University of Tennessee.

UT Advocates include thousands of alumni, employees, students and friends who believe in the university’s value to all Tennesseans and share that message with elected officials. We believe that your voice matters, and together, we can make a difference.

Join the UT Advocacy Network

UT Martin’s Young Alumni Council is comprised of 25 alumni under the age of 35 who represent five different colleges at UT Martin. The responsibility of the council is to plan and implement programs and activities which will engage young alumni of UT Martin, to provide leadership and give counsel to the staff of the Alumni Association on matters of concern to young alumni and to provide guidance from a young alumni perspective to the Alumni Council. Council members serve a two-year term that can be renewed for a second two-year term.

Learn more about the Young Alumni Council