The mission of the Division of University Advancement is to promote internal and external relations for the University. The offices of Development and Alumni Relations promote and enhance friend-raising and fundraising efforts with alumni, friends, corporate partners and the University family. Please contact any of our dedicated staff members if we can be of assistance.
Staff DirectoryMission Statement for Advancement Services
The Office of Advancement Services supports the university’s fundraising and constituent engagement efforts by ensuring the responsible and ethical management of alumni and constituent records, providing information services, and maintaining the campus wide stewardship plan.
Mission Statement for Alumni Relations
The Office of Alumni Relations serves as the primary vehicle for those who have attended UT Martin and desire to maintain an affiliation with the university. Participation in on-campus advisory boards, the UT Alumni Association, chapter activities, annual giving programs, and various off-campus events promoting UT Martin offer opportunities for alumni involvement.
Mission Statement for Development
The Office of Development is responsible for raising philanthropic support for the university through private funds by cultivating meaningful relationships with prospective donors by understanding their passions and how that can correlate to the university.