Captain’s Challenge

The Skyhawk community showed overwhelming support during the 10th anniversary of Captain’s Challenge!

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Chancellor Freeman

Freeman Takes Flight

The latest edition of Campus Scene is here! Take a peek inside to learn about Chancellor Dr. Yancy Freeman, and more.

View the Issue
Black Alumni Council gala awards presentation

UT Martin Black Alumni Council endows scholarship

UT Martin’s Black Alumni Council raised $25,000 and awarded five Black Excellence Awards during the council’s inaugural scholarship fundraising gala.

See award winners

Feature: Student Alumni Council President

Michael Armour has been interested in civil engineering since he was a child. Growing up, he was fascinated with the waterways in his town and how they worked.

Learn more about Michael

Campaign for the University of Tennessee at Martin



We recognized that the campaign goal of $175 million would be a stretch—by far the most ambitious fundraising effort ever attempted at UT Martin.



The end of the RISE Campaign was a historic, exciting milestone. With $178,286,034 raised, the impact on this university is truly extraordinary.